I write two kinds of thrillers, The Fallen Race Trilogy which is conspiracy mystery thriller content. I also write FBI books, mystery thriller The Josephine Chronicles, a series about a girl kidnapped from University into a cult. I hope the ingredients of my books explain why the protagonists would take on a murderous secret Order or cult leader, live on farms or in mansions, have glamorous yet ominous adventures including repulsive villains, cold blooded priests (and warm blooded) why my hero or heroin is or is not too busy for a romantic and sensual life, because they are trying to save the world. I try to build complete worlds for my reader to enter into.
I have personal goals. I'd love to be a bestselling author, have the trilogy put to film, and the FBI series on bingeable Netflix. I'd love an author nickname or phrase like, "The Mistress of Mystery" "The Countess of Crime" or "The Temptress of Thrill." I'd like my books to live on after I'm gone for the sake of my inheriting children and grandchildren. I hope my characters evolve based on the sexy actors and actresses who eventually play them on the big screen.
FBI Books
I kill sparingly in my books. However, beneath the top layer, there is an underbelly of carnage that electrifies my protagonists into action. Special Agent Lexi Hunter, will take down the bad guys with her awesome partner Miles Quinn, and break your heart because of love lost, or at least that's what she thinks.
AMNESIA: The Josephine Chronicles
There are mean people in my world who say without saying it, "If you must publish, do it under a pseudonym for God's sake." You know the type. They read your good reviews and feel you need to be taken down a notch or two. Of course, their advice would be the worst ever for anyone who plans to do great things. All I know is that I plan to continue the conspiracy and cult attitude to the very end.
In the future, I hope to kill more evil characters, have more sensuality as enjoying the pursuit of life, in my protagonists, drink more good wine, travel more places, learn more about science, men, villains, and heroes, and through all that carry a thorough nonchalance in the heart of my male characters and warmth with boundaries, and intelligence, in my female protagonists.
While I am not an expert in physics, science, intelligence gathering, and Naval Operations, I want men in my books with these characteristics. It becomes titillating content for dialogue in my view. I enjoy learning about those men. And I admire them.
Ideas regarding mystery novels generally gestate for a long time. Like fine wine, they develop. I've been thinking about my novels for at least two decades. I want to write the conspiracy of all conspiracies. I'd like to write a thriller that keeps you up all night because you can't put the book down. I hope both men and women will enjoy my books.
And so, that is what I'm up to!
Melissa Saulnier
AMNESIA: The Josephine Chronicles